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tips menghafal surah-surah pendek

Assalamuallaikum hallooooo semuanyaa hehe its been a long time ya alhamdulillah kita sekarang ada di bulan ramadhan bulan yang penuh berkah. Jadiiiii aku pengen berbagi tips nih supaya kita bisa hafal surah dalam Al-quran tapi tetep santai. ini berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi aku ya jadi insyaAllah kalian bs ikutin. okeeee without further ado lets get started!!!!! 1. Tentuin surahnya dan nada bacaan jadi pertama aku belajar surah aku pilih surah mana yang mau dihafalin dan mau bacaan nada yang kayak gimana. kalo aku biasanya ikutin murotalnya ibrahim elhaq di youtube atauuu banyak bgt di youtube cari aja “beautiful recitation surah ar-rahman” (sesuaiin aja sama surah yng mau dihapalin) trs pilih yang menurut kalian tempo nya pas aja di hati 2. Dengerin tiap hari dengerin tiap hari santai gausa maksa bnrbnr ini yang aku rasain sendiri kalo dengerin tiap hari lamalama nyantol loh serius ga boong aku pertama kali cuma dengerin pas waktu luang doang tp keinget2 sendiri. kalo kit
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CHAPTER I School: General Information and Academic Administration ​ School general information and its academic administration according to topics as   follows: 1.1  School profile ​ The  Pangasinan  State University is a government-funded institution of higher  education. It is  chartered through the promulgation of Presidential Decree N. 1497 on June 11, 1978. It became operational only on June 1, 1979. In 1986, the Bachelor in Secondary Education (BSE) and Bachelor in Elementary Education (BEE) were offered as separate programs  by virtue of  BOR Res. No. 13 s. 1986. ​ To date, the Campus continues to play the stellar role in producing professionals in teacher education. It now offers new programs: the  Bachelor of Science in Information and Communications Technology (BSICT) which started in SY 2001 - 2002 as per BOR Resolution No. 45 s 1998; Bachelor of Early Childhood Education (BECE) SY 2002 - 20 03 as per BOR Resolution No. 30 s 2002; Bachelor of Science in Nursing